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Monday, September 19, 2011

Parents urged to help impart good values to children

From: GNA Last Updated: September 14, 2011, 3:26 pm
(Joy online)

Mrs Betty Mould Iddrisu, Minister of Education, has urged parents to supplement and complement the efforts of teachers and government in imparting cultural values to their children.

She said parents like teachers are also agents of education and therefore have a major role to play in the cultural education of children.

Mrs Iddrisu said this in a speech read for her to open the 12th
National Basic Schools Festival of Arts in Ho on Tuesday.

It is on the theme, “Bridging Yesterday’s Wisdom and Tomorrow’s Vision, a Challenge to Our Culture”.

The Minister said culture as a reflection of “all good aspects of our behavioural pattern as human beings and Ghanaians is crucial to building of a healthy and prosperous society”.

She said it was not the fineness of performances at the cultural fiesta that mattered but its “essence of bringing our children from the regions together to socialize, learn and share ideas about our various ethnic groups, who together form the whole Ghanaian culture and society”.

Colonel Cyril Necku, (rtd) Deputy Volta Regional Minister, said care must be taken to maintain “proven wisdom” embodied in our culture as the nation visualized the future.

He observed that globalization and its attendant adulteration of national cultures was a challenge to development.

Activities listed for the four-day event, some on competitive basis, include poetry recitals, drama, singing, choral music and dance choreography.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Map of Ghana

The Republic of Ghana is a country situated in West Africa.

It has 10 administrative regions divided into170 districts.

1.      Ashanti Region, capital - Kumasi
2.      Brong-Ahafo Region, capital - Sunyani
3.      Central Region, capital - Cape Coast
4.      Eastern Region, capital - Koforidua
5.      Greater-Accra Region, capital - Accra
6.      Northern Region, capital Tamale
7.      Upper-East Region, capital - Bolgatanga
8.      Upper-West Region, capital - Wa
9.      Volta Region, capital - Ho
10. Western Region, capital Sekondi -Takoradi

Map: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friday, July 22, 2011

EDT-Africa, our logo


"Help me and let me help you” - is a literal translation from the Twi language of the meaning of the above Adinkra symbol.

The symbol EDT-Africa chose as our logo depicts co-operation and interdependence. We believe it is only when we work hand in hand with the various communities that we (together) can make a change in their livelihoods.

Adinkra symbols were created by the Akans of Ghana and Gyaman of La Cote d'Ivoire. These symbols have distinct meanings are often linked to proverbs or wise sayings. They were originally used mostly for a special screen printed fabric and on sacred carved stools. They are now used extensively in architecture, pottery etc..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

First Lady opens conference on trauma among women and children

Source: GhanaWeb

Accra, July 13, GNA - The First Lady, Mrs Ernestina Naadu Mills on Wednesday said it was time African nations translated the provisions of conventions on violence against women and children into local laws and take concrete actions that would confront the various forms of violence against the vulnerable.

She said even with far reaching legislation, negative practices against women still existed and called for concerted efforts to eradicate or minimize practices that went against the full development of women and children.

The First Lady made the call when she opened a three-day international conference dubbed 93The trauma of abuse of women and children - a societal response" in Accra.

The conference, being organised by the Kumasi-based Juniper Tree Counselling Centre, under the auspices of the Ministry of Women and Children, is being attended by participants from the Ghana Prisons Service Christian and Muslim Organisations, the academia, psychologists and psychiatrists and media persons. The conference would provide a platform for organisations, groups and individuals concerned with women and children's affairs to draw the attention of civil society to the dangers faced daily by women and children from sexual predators.

It would offer an opportunity for participants to asses the legal, social, institutional and cultural support systems for victims of sexual violence and provide participants with skills and knowledge to counsel victims of sexual violence. Mrs Mills observed that abuse of women and children continued to be a significant problem in Ghana. They suffered from assault, defilement, rape, harassment at workplaces, child trafficking, exposure of children to harm, burdensome labour conditions and female genital mutilation.

"These are serious violations of their human and constitutional rights", Mrs Mills said, adding however that 93even though the media are now focusing on these forms of abuse, a lot more still go unreported".

She reiterated Government's commitment to ensure that more women took up decision making roles in Government to act as catalysts to enforce the laws protecting women and children. The First Lady said sustained education could minimise the abuse of women and children.

She assured the conference that Government was willing to partner any organisation to protect the vulnerable in the society, and wished the participants fruitful deliberations and exchange of ideas that would ultimately lead to better lives for women and children in society.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Education, Development and Training
Together we can make it

EDT-Africa children
Facilitators of early years childcare and education


Postal address:
P.O. Box EL 253 ,
Elmina, Central Region,

Nana Kwahin IV (the chief of Kwahinkrom) receiving donation from EDT-Africa co-ordinator,

Nana Kwahin IV and elders of Kwahinkrom

More pictures .....


Uncle Quaison (an elder of royal family of Kwahinkrom)

A cross-section of the inhabitants of Kwahinkrom.

Nana Kwahin IV and the elders of Kwahinkrom addressing the community

Locals of Kwahinkrom who attended the meeting at the new community centre